Since I was a teenager, I have fastidiously kept albums year by year and felt the joy that they have brought, not only for me but also my family and friends. I initially compiled traditional leather-bound albums but latterly, with the rapid development of digital photography, I have also put together photobooks for many clients.
I set up Annabel Buik Albums etc in 2010, encouraged by many whose wedding photos "were still in a box at the back of a cupboard" or whose photos of an amazing trip, buried for years, "were sitting on a hard drive". Others admitted that the precious baby album that they had so enthusiastically begun, "stopped at the age of one"... There seemed many reasons to put my love of photography and artistic skills to work.
A great friend of mine asked if I would consider doing an album for her, which of course I did. I loved doing it and it seemed an obvious service to offer to others: I combine the skills of professional photography, creativity and a mildly obsessive desire to put things in their right place. My family joke that if they stand still for long enough, they might get stuck in an album!
Each job that I have taken on has been wonderfully unique, but the pleasure that the end result brings for both me and the client is the same. I will help unlock memories and breathe life into the past by giving you something to cherish and share.